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Nombre de messages : 12
Age : 30
votre équipe : Caroline
Date d'inscription : 11/04/2007

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MessageSujet: Rosters   Rosters EmptySam 14 Avr - 17:35

The team is trying to secure a competitive team to make the playoffs on a regular basis.
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Cory Stillman 78 68 76 33 1750000 2
Anson Carter 75 74 76 33 2500000 1
Justin Williams 78 67 75 25 3500000 5
Scott Walker 73 75 74 34 1520000 1
Trevor Letowski 64 69 68 30 800000 2
Shane Willis 63 69 67 30 800000 1
Craig Adams 55 73 67 30 600000 3
Chad LaRose 64 66 66 25 450000 2
Stephen Peat 29 71 62 27 625000 1
Pat Dwyer 55 49 61 24 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Rod Brind'Amour 77 77 80 37 4000000 5
Steve Rucchin 66 80 77 35 1850000 3
Keith Aucoin 65 58 64 28 450000 2
David Gove 59 53 61 29 450000 2
Steve Saviano 50 46 55 26 450000 2
Joe Barnes 44 45 55 21 450000 3
Brad Zancanaro 50 38 52 25 450000 1
Scott Kelman 42 47 50 26 450000 1
Vince Bellissimo 45 31 49 24 450000 1
Brad Parsons 37 40 48 28 450000 1
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Ray Whitney 78 66 75 35 1500000 1
Keith Tkachuk 81 70 79 35 3800000 2
Vyacheslav Kozlov 79 67 76 35 2014000 2
Andrew Ladd 66 70 69 21 984200 2
Brad Isbister 57 71 68 30 600000 1
Ryan Bayda 67 61 65 26 450000 1
Jesse Boulerice 28 72 60 29 450000 1
Ernie Hartlieb 50 48 57 28 450000 1
Mike Angelidis 53 46 53 22 450000 3
Jason Spence 39 46 48 28 450000 1
They are looking for a 1st line left wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Frantisek Kaberle 67 69 73 33 2200000 4
Bret Hedican 61 74 73 37 2432000 2
Glen Wesley 51 78 70 38 1200000 1
David Tanabe 68 70 69 27 900000 1
Tim Gleason 53 75 69 24 1175000 2
Niclas Wallin 38 75 68 32 1725000 4
Andrew Hutchinson 59 66 67 27 450000 2
Mike Commodore 44 74 67 27 1200000 2
Anton Babchuk 54 70 67 23 900600 1
Dennis Seidenberg 48 69 64 26 750000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Cam Ward 78 78 78 23 684000 1
John Grahame 74 76 75 32 1400000 2
Kevin Nastiuk 42 48 53 22 450000 2
Craig Kowalski 43 44 51 26 450000 1
Justin Peters 38 40 49 21 450000 3
Daniel Manzato 33 25 41 23 475000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
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